Hi. My name is Jasmin and I’m the founder of FIDES Legal Services.

I was born in the Netherlands, but my family moved to Marbella when I was still young. At 18 years old, I moved to the United Kingdom, where I studied double honours English Law with Spanish Law at the University of Surrey. I was able to participate in an Erasmus exchange program, allowing me to study part of my year at the University of Valladolid in Northern Spain. This experience not only allowed me to fully immerse in British culture, but also introduced me to nuances between the different legal systems across Europe.

After finishing my studies, I returned to the Costa del Sol to pursue my legal career. I dedicated the following 8 years to a prestige law firm in Puerto Banus, gaining knowledge and expertise in the issues that many ex-pats face on a day-to-day basis here in Spain. Having honed my craft and finding my niche, I decided to open my own office here in Estepona.

Not only do I speak Dutch, English and Spanish fluently, having experienced life from a multi-cultural perspective, I am better equipped to tailor the legal support that I offer my clients in a way that best suits them.

I look forward to us working together.

Jasmin Spin

¡Bienvenidos! I’m Ana Gil.

I did my studies as Assistant to the Management and Administrative-Computer Technician. I continued with my diploma at the University of Malaga and completed my training by obtaining my language certification at “The English Language Center of Brighton”, United Kingdom.

After finishing my studies, I worked for eight years in a reputable Law Firm in Marbella, dedicated to Real Estate Law and advice and assistance to Non-residents, where from the after-sales department, I specialized in Non-Resident Taxes, Income Taxes Inheritance and Donations, registration of NIEs, Wealth Taxes and Property Transfer Taxes among many other functions.

I have currently continued my professional career with the Fides Legal Services team, and from the legal department I am dedicated to managing all kinds of procedures before the Tax Agency and all Spanish Public Administrations, as well as performing accounting, billing, documentation management functions. in Notaries, Property Registry, Town Halls, intermediation with supply and insurance companies and banks, amongst others.

I am a person committed to my work, willing to adapt to your needs and I offer my assistance to make your experience with us an easy path full of satisfaction.

Ana Gil

¡Saludos! My name is Sara Silva and I am responsible for carrying out legal and administrative procedures at Fides Legal Services.

I have a Law Degree from the University of Malaga. During my studies, I developed Public Speaking and Legal Debate skills at Escuela Cánovas del Castillo, competing in debate tournaments at a national level. I am currently continuing training in my legal career, and I am studying the double Master’s Degree in Law and Procurement.

After completing my degree studies, I worked for two years in a company in Marbella, doing tax and accounting tasks. Now at Fides, I am also in charge of the accounting, in addition to coordinating the documentation, appointments and assistance to our clients regarding conveyancing matters.

I look forward to working with you in the future!

Sara Silva


Legal Practice Areas

Real Estate Law

Whether you have just found your dream home in Spain or are thinking about selling your property, you need the expertise of a trusted Real Estate legal adviser to ensure that the process is free from any unexpected surprises.

Non-Resident Taxes

Even as a non-resident in Spain, you will be subject to a number of tax obligations as a property owner. We ensure you are fully aware of any tax liabilities and are always one step ahead of tax deadlines to ensure your time in Spain is stress-free.

Succession Planning

When investing in property overseas, it’s important to put in place the correct legal framework that determines how your Spanish assets are distributed to your loved ones, when you are no longer around to take care of things yourself.

Commercial Law

From establishing a new Spanish company, opening a Spanish company bank account, to applying to patent and trademark rights, FIDES Legal Services has you covered to set up your business the right way here on the Costa del Sol.